Tuna Noodles
I recently returned home from San Diego. It was a much needed vacation and a reminder of how much I really miss the sun. It has been 40-50º in Portland. It was 75-80º in San Diego. That’s a typical Portland summer. Needless to say, I enjoyed wearing flip-flops and t-shirts.
After eating my weight in burritos [seriously 1-2 times a day], I came home to a very empty fridge. This, coupled with the fact I was fighting off a sinus infection, meant I had little desire to take myself to the store. You know how it goes. I also had little desire to take myself to get something to eat. It almost feels like a challenge, “What can you make from nothing, sick girl?” I raided my pantry, fridge, and freezer and this is what I came up with. It was actually good enough to justify taking it to work for lunch the next day instead of tossing it in the trash. It’s probably things you have on hand, and if not, you can always improvise. That’s the beauty of it.
Now this isn’t your typical creamy, comfort-y, possibly cheesy tuna noodles that your mom probably made [mine included]. This is relatively healthy, lighter tuna noodles that still taste pretty good without weighing you down.

Tuna Noodles – Serves 2
- 4oz of pasta of your choice [I happened to used leftover herb linguine]
- 1 6.4 oz pouch of tuna, drained of liquid
- 1/3 cup frozen [or fresh or canned] peas
- 1/2 onion, large dice
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- 2 tablespoons lemon juice
- chili flakes
- black pepper
- salt
- Mix one tablespoon of oil with lemon juice in a bowl. Set aside.
- Put the remaining oil in a skillet on medium high heat and allow to heat up.
- Toss in your onions, coating them with oil and letting them slowly brown and caramelize–about 10 minutes.
- Start to boil your pasta water and cook the pasta according to instructions.
- As the onions start to turn brown, add the peas and mix.
- Once the peas have cooked through, add the tuna.
- Sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste.
- After you have drained your pasta, return to pot.
- Add the tuna mixture to the pasta.
- Pour the lemon oil over the pasta and mix thoroughly.
- Top with chili flakes to taste.