Olive Oil and Dill Potato Salad
Writing the recaps took way longer than I wanted. There is so much good food coming down the pipe to share. I haven’t been this excited in awhile. I’ve been eating good, and it’s all thanks to my free time and the unending amount of inspiration lately. I’ll take it.
Seafood is my grocery splurge. Do you you have a splurge at the store? Something that you’ll throw down on every now and then? Something you’ll make sure to look away from the register from because you really don’t want to see the damage? That’s seafood for me. It’s like gold. Fleshy gold.
I cruise by the fish counter every time I’m at The Fridge [New Seasons] because I have to know what just came in and what’s on sale. When it’s salmon season it takes all my willpower not to go broke. Fresh fish for every meal, kthx. That wild caught, fresh off the boat stuff is my jam. It makes me die a little inside when I order up a pound of it, and I see what that actually looks like. I can eat like three pounds of salmon BY MYSELF without batting an eyelash. Yet I sigh, take my tiny package of fish, cradle it in my arms like a small child, and head for the counter.

Inspiration: Bon Appetit
- 2lbs small waxy potatoes, halved [or bigger ones cubed]
- 1/4 cup olive oil
- 1/2 yellow onion, diced
- 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
- 4 scallions, sliced
- 2-3 tablespoons fresh dill, chopped
- 1 teaspoon caraway, toasted
Put the potatoes in a pot and fill with heavily salted water. Cook them in boiling water until they’re tender. While they boil, heat the olive oil in a skillet and cook the onions on medium heat. Season the onions in salt and pepper and saute them until they’re soft. Turn off the heat and stir in the vinegar. Drain the potatoes and place them in a large bowl or back into the pot. Pour the oil over the top, add the scallions, dill, and caraway. Stir to combine. Taste for salt.
I have so many problems with potato salad!! I love it, but I mess it up so much and I’m never happy with my attempts. Maybe because when I’m making it I realize how unhealthy most potato salads are and can’t bring myself to put in that amount of mayo?? The potato salads I love the most are the kind of warm German ones that are filled with vinegar and little bits of bacon and really light. Yum … <3
Also, I LOVE fresh dill. And Salmon. My bf and I cook salmon all the time!
Mountains of dill forever! I could absolutely eat a big bowl of this potato salad for dinner, no problem, as I’m sure you know. Of course, right now we have sage, parsley, and basil in the house instead…