Chicken Chorizo Frittata
Let’s talk breakfast. I definitely don’t make it that much. Well, on the weekends. I eat it every day of the work week, but it’s nothing usually blog-worthy these days. I’ve been slathering this new [to me] pumpkin seed butter on toast with hemp hearts and sliced banana sprinkled with cinnamon. I had no idea this nut butter existed. It’s made locally, just north of here, but it hides in the refrigerated section of the store near the cookie dough. I don’t even know how I found it, but I’m glad I did.
Weekends are usually a time for breakfast burritos or bagels at Grindhouse down the street. I don’t even think about making anything. Half of the time I don’t have anything in the house to make. I’ve already had the same thing for the last five mornings, I really don’t need it for another day or two. The other half of the time I’m already hungry and don’t want to go to the store like that. It’s dangerous!
I did have some foresight one evening when I was shopping for dinner ingredients on a Thursday or Friday night to pick up what I needed for a frittata. I rekindled my love for them while in Spain. Between frittatas and tortilla española, my egg consumption increased 10x in that three week period. Totally okay with that. Since I never seem to make it to the farmers market [or if I do on Wednesdays during work, it’s to eat a salad or a wood fired slice of pizza from Tastebud], I’m thankful New Seasons stocks some Portland eggs. They just taste better. I tried to deny it for a long time, but seriously, worth the extra couple of dollars.
Frittatas are almost too easy. I’m always scared I’m going to burn it or overcook it, but I don’t. Either I’m awesome, or it’s just fool-proof. Probably both. They’re forgiving. They accept just about anything into their eggy interiors. The combinations are virtually endless. I’ve been on a chorizo kick lately [again, thanks Spain] so that’s what I gravitated towards — a subtly spicy chorizo that’s more flavor than heat, a whole sautéed onion, and wilted spinach for color. Green onions were tossed on last minute and there may have been some parmesan grated over the top. It was really delicious.

- 1/2 lb chicken chorizo
- 6 eggs
- 1 medium onion, sliced
- 2 cloves of garlic, minced
- 1 cup frozen spinach
- Green onions, optional
- Shredded cheese and/or hot sauce for serving
Heat an oven proof skillet on medium heat. Brown the chicken chorizo, breaking it up into little pieces. While it cooks, whisk together the eggs in a bowl. Season with salt and pepper. When the chorizo finishes cooking, remove from the pan and set aside. Leave the grease in the pan and add the onion and garlic. Stir often so the garlic doesn’t burn. After the onion softens, it’ll be about five minutes or so, add the spinach and chorizo to the pan. Stir to incorporate everything before pouring the egg mixture. Tip and tilt the pan as necessary to get egg to cover the whole pan. Don’t touch anything and let the bottom cook for 2-3 minutes. Turn the broiler on. Place the whole pan into the oven and broil for 3-5 minutes. The top should be completely set and starting to brown a bit. Remove from the oven and let it cool for a few minutes before slicing. Sprinkle with green onions and cheese before serving.