Author: Michelle

Soba Noodles with Ground Chicken and Greens

Who decided that brussels sprouts are cool now? I feel like it’s starting to surpsass kale. Remember when everyone hated brussels [except me and my dad]? They were hated, generally steamed/boiled, and never, ever talked about. Now, they’re on absolutely every single trendy restaurant’s menu 

Bacon Fried Rice

I have this tendency to order chicken curry and treat it like soup [this happens at home too. I’m consistent in my quirks]. This leaves piles of rice completely untouched. I’m just not a huge fan. I’ll eat it if it’s the focus of a 

Sautéed Pork & Parsnips

It has been a stellar couple of days. We were invited out to dinner last night to the house of some friends we made on the wine tour in Italy. They’re awesome [because I only hang out with awesome people — duh], and treated us 

Chicken & Green Bean Curry

Another weekend in the books, and an entirely empty bag of pita chips on the coffee table. I bought thai bbq chicken kebabs and a container of roasted jalapeño hummus as an excuse to buy the pita chips on Saturday. That was my intention the