Author: Michelle

Grilled Romaine

It was another grilling day today. We needed it. We ate out a lot. We watched a lot of really bad soccer. It is a good way to bring yourself back to reality of work the next day. [And holy hell, it’s July already. When 

Roasted Carrot Grilled Cheese

No matter how busy it is over at the refrigerator New Seasons, 9 times out of 10, the checker always has a conversation with me. It’s probably because I’m there four times a week at minimum, so they see me a lot, but I also 

Avocado Hummus

My friend Jenny and I have a long standing tradition of going on a ‘not a date’ once a month or so when our schedule allows to catch up and pick a restaurant on the never-ending list of awesome spots on the city that we haven’t tried 

Steak with Green Peppercorn Sauce

Happy belated Father’s Day to all the fathers! I didn’t get to see mine yesterday as he was off playing at the beach, but I did see him Saturday at my mock-graduation celebration of sorts [aka they took me out for food and drinks at 

Cauliflower Pizza Crust

I’m still missing Italy. Surprise, surprise. The idea of drinking espresso multiple times daily has been thrown out. Spending $2-3 every day just isn’t the same as €1, even without the conversion. We’ve been trying to get out as much as possible, imitating the Italian