Whole Wheat Biscotti with Currants

I’m in love with these bowls! Thanks, West Elm. They have a ton of colors, which made it ridiculously hard not to walk out with them all. The woman behind the counter told me that someone did just that earlier in the day. Why limit 

Mint Brownie Cookies

So here I go talking about brownies and doughnuts in the last post, and instead I bring you brownie cookies. These aren’t even what I made I last night. I’m such a tease! It’s really because I didn’t get the photos uploaded last night. And 

Cherry Chocolate Cookies

Every now and then I really go out on a limb and try something weird. More importantly, sometimes I like to subject my friends and family to the weirdness. And not tell them about it. Is that bad? You see, these are flourless. By flourless, 

Nutella Cookie Sandwiches

I cannot be stopped. I almost sat through season one of The Walking Dead from start to finish in one sitting. Four episodes last night. Final two episodes tonight. This is what happens when I don’t have class anymore [finished this morning!]. I still don’t know what 


The birthday surprise turned out to be a cooking class! A Ragin’ Cajun cooking class to be exact. Andrew blindfolded me and everything while we drove over to Hipcooks. It was so fun! 12 people, 1 teacher, some knife skills, and a lot of really