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Thai Sausage with Bok Choy

Thai Sausage with Bok Choy

I’ve toyed with the idea of getting a steamer basket, but it’s just one more thing to add to the already cramped kitchen cabinets. I have been known to cheat the system and use the microwave, a bowl, a little bit of water, and a 

Weekly Reads 08

Weekly Reads 08

When you have a bunch of leftover arugula, fry some potatoes, toss everything in olive oil and parmesan cheese and top it with a couple fried eggs. Hello, breakfast. Here’s what I’ve been reading this week: I’ve started following a few of these Food52 Spotify Thanksgiving 

Vietnamese Beef Stew

Vietnamese Beef Stew

Man. I cannot begin to describe how good this recipe smells. If you’re at all a fan of Vietnamese food. Make this. Make this now. I remember thinking that I don’t care if it even tastes good. That smell. My god the smell. It comes 

Weekly Reads 07

Weekly Reads 07

It has been a s-l-o-w week. Two different Comcast techs spent a whole lot of time at the house, a good seven hours, but the internet is the most stable it has ever been. The speed increase doesn’t hurt. My CPA certificate finally came in the mail. 

Weekly Reads 06

Weekly Reads 06

I stepped into Providore Fine Foods for the first time ever this weekend. It’s a good thing it’s in a different part of town. I wanted everything. It is a specialty grocery store. There are several vendors on top of a few aisles of food