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Green Curry Porridge

The thick of tax season is eating up a lot of free time. What little free time there is has been spent entertaining friends from out of town and sleeping. Entertaining = eating/drinking when in PDX. Some highlights as of late: Ruby Jewel has a 

Mexican Alambre

The Mexican market by our house upped it’s game tenfold. The new management is transforming this small corner store into a legit market. The meat counter alone is enough reason to go. Cactus being the second. The only thing that would make this place even 

Cannoli Pound Cake

I’m back in the thick of tax season, which means one thing [other than 60 hour weeks and y’know, stress]: catered dinners. Oh yes. We try a lot of random local restaurants and caterers four nights a week. Sure, I’ll be sick of it before 

Enchiladas Suizas

There is something supremely satisfying about making your own enchilada sauce. I have no shame in using the canned variety, especially since you can find such a good ones these days from small-batch vendors, but that sense of accomplishment is addictive. I’m much more of 

Blue Cheese Pasta with Spinach

We spent Valentine’s Day doing the things we normally do. Soccer game. Laundry. Eating. Food coma induced naps. This is the life. We ate at Por Que No? Taqueria for tacos, red beers, chips and guac and followed it up with drinking chocolate and churros