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Jerked Sriracha Pork Tacos

I hit the wall last week. Almost 80 hours in the office. I had nearly 40 by the end of Wednesday. This isn’t a plea for sympathy so much as it’s a statement of the sheer insanity that tax season can be. Hug your local CPA. 

Chorizo Stuffed Sweet Peppers

[PSA – apparently the photos in the blog have been acting up. If you notice anything funky going on in your browser, please let me know. Thanks!] It’s seems to be a common theme when my schedule gets insane a little bit busy, all I really want to do 

Curry with Beef Kofta and Spinach

Remember when I said I was eating out too much? Yeah, just when I think I’m ready to give it up I have two back-to-back meals that rank high up in that realm of “best ever.” It’s been awhile since I’ve been that excited. Kachka 

Roasted Vegetable & Cumin Chickpea Bowl

When I haven’t been working 10-13 hours a day [tax time round two!], we’ve been entertaining Andrew’s parents who were in town for a little over week. When people are in town, you know you’re eating way too much well when you’re not showing them things like the Elk 

Coeur D’Alene & Wallace, Idaho

[Part one, two, three, four, five, six] The end of our trip came quickly. Just like all trips do. The beginning feels like a slow and steady pace. The middle starts to dominate, and before long you’re packing your bag to head home. It sneaks 

Kale, White Bean, and Bacon Salad

There has been a period of time this summer where I would put a [rinsed and drained] can of white beans over greens of any kind and call it a salad day. The combination is refreshing, filling and easy all at the same time. Bonus points