5-Minute Naan

The bounty of zucchini knows no bounds! I had been going over a ton of recipes for what to do with my new found green friends, but ultimately went back to the good ol’ standby of the grill.

Obviously I can’t just eat grilled zucchini. I had some hummus, so I knew there needed to be a bread counterpart. I honestly don’t show carbs the love I used to. They are used to be a weakness, but I am a mostly changed woman with willpower of aluminum foil steel. I can’t seem to eat bread fast enough, so I try to buy it only when I know I’ll be using it a lot [breakfast, sandwiches, french toast, etc].  Cue 5-minute naan of Ashley of (never home)maker fame. This recipe has been bookmarked for a looooong time waiting for the right time to try it out. As if there is ever a wrong time for naan. More importantly, I love that this doesn’t need yeast. I’m impatient like whoa.

I tried this out with spelt flour, and it worked just fine. My rolling skills definitely could use improvement, so while some may call it “ugly” I call it “character.” Character tastes good, just sayin’.

Inspiration: (never home)maker


  • 1/2 cup spelt flour
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking powder
  • pinch of salt
  • 1/3 cup water, plus more to get the right texture
  • extra flour for rolling


  1. Whisk together dry ingredients.
  2. Add water than stir. The dough should come together and be smooth and elastic when you knead. If not, add more water or flour until magic happens.
  3. Knead the dough for a few minutes before creating two balls with it.
  4. Roll each ball out until it’s 5-6″ in diameter.
  5. Heat a skillet on high with a little bit of olive oil.
  6. Place one of the pieces of dough on the skillet, pressing down with your spatula or tongs.
  7. Once the dough starts to turn brown in spots, flip.
  8. Continue cooking until the other side matches.
  9. Cook the remaining dough.
  10. Eat it. Eat it all. Preferably with hummus and grilled zucchini.

3 thoughts on “5-Minute Naan”

  • Mmm, I love the taste of character. I also love the taste of naan, but I am never patient enough for that whole yeast thing–love the idea of 5-minute bread, that fits my food now needs much better. Mmm, would go well with the big batch of Indian spiced eggplant I made for the week! What timing. I don’t have a skillet, but heck, regular frying pans are all about “character.”

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